Thursday 13 January 2011

ZzzzZZzzz and then suddenly!!

Well as the title suggests and perhaps as my previous post indicated, there has been a development, albeit I confess I was about to hit the sack I happened to check the forums and BAM! there it is a post from exe asking:

"Is this version any good?..."

Complete with a link to a newer build for Manic Digger!

so as not to get too ahead of myself I immediately ran some benchmarking tests, the general effect of which, I found the new version to ahve a greatly improved logon screen and the game engine itself is running at speeds which in laymans terms are about three times as fast overall!!

The forum post can be found here (with my benchmark details)
-}-}-}Forum Linky{-{-{-

and I've thrown the new version (ver:2011-01-13) up to localhostr for some 'instant deployment' style action... (It takes a little while for Indie DB to catch up with new files and the like)

One small comment here: this version might be nothing more than an interim test version, but feel free to enjoy the benefit of the faster game.